Thursday, December 1, 2011


Organic Farming History
     Early 1992, Korean missionaries spread the message about “The Love of Our Heavenly Father” to the Philippines, as children of God, the core of the message was to restore one’s mentality, heart, body and the environment.
   Year 1993, the Doalnara all over the world started the campaign for global environmental restoration, opening through 100% organic farming.
   Early 1994, Filipinos who have the urge to support this global campaign for environmental restoration decided to form a cooperative and look for possible site for organic farming. At the latter part of the year, after a thorough survey, an abandoned land called “the killing fields” located in San Roque, Aposkahoy, Claveria, Misamis Oriental, was chosen. 
    80 farmers initially tilled the 5 hectares of land using carabao and free-hand. Unoccupied for years, the farmers encountered difficulties even for survival. Nevertheless, determined to push on with the environmental restoration, they used semi-organic farming and continued with trial-and-error process for 100% organic. Vegetation like beans and cabbages were the initial crops in semi-organic farming.
       In 1995-1996, several crops like tomatoes, rice, corn and cabbages were planted and come out with this result: tomatoes need increase of inorganic fertilizer in order to survive for outdoor planting, while inside the greenhouse; it can survive with semi-organic farming. Rice also failed thrice during the trial, since the place is a rain and wind prone area. The flowers or the grain most likely are blown away or fall out. The corn and cabbages were successful. 
        Doalnara Korea administered a donation campaign when they realized that the Filipino brethren gathered as one big family with one goal of global restoration.  Initially the donations were the big and small hand tractors, backhoe, farming tools, clothes and beddings. Greenhouse technology followed and the use of wood was used to confine seedlings and delicate plants. It was introduced by the Korean volunteers. 
flower greenhouses located at Morning Glory Community

Early 1997, Doalnara Korea donated steels and pipes to be used for a new and better greenhouse. Six steel greenhouses were mounted which made the Philippine Doalnara advance in greenhouse technology. Because of that, they received several local awards and 1 presidential award as “One of the Most Outstanding Enterprise” in the Philippines.
          In 1998, the Philippine National Electrification granted us a 1.8 million project to energize our place which also benefitted our surrounding communities as well since the place is a two-hour drive away from the city where electricity was difficult.  That same year, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) also granted us the CBFMA award to be the steward of 1,000 hectares of land for 25 years where the 350 hectares must be used for agricultural advancement.
          In the year 1999, Korean experts brought to us the cacti and flower propagation which sustains our means of living. One greenhouse is planted with 40,000 rare cacti and another greenhouse is planted with 200 varieties of rare and local -flowers. Simultaneously, the transition from semi-organic to 100% organic succeeded after six years of trial-and-error. The initial project was the 100% organic onion and cacti propagation which both received three awards from the Office of the President.
          Also from the year 2000 to 2004, Doalnara Philippines was elevated because of the pilot plant “YACON” which amazed the locality. It started with six seedlings which were planted in the backyard. Upon the joint operation of Korean and Filipino technology about tuber production, the Doalnara Yacon produce excelled compared to others. Presently, the cooperative is exporting Yacon to Japan and and other neighboring countries. It became the means of living for the 200 farmers who live as one family. The by-products of Yacon are the syrup, juice and tea which are in demand in the local and foreign market. More or less, 300 hectares of land are used organically for Yacon farming. Likewise, Yacon made the farmers’ health excellent.
          The following year, Yacon farming progressed surprisingly. In April 2005, the International Rotary donated big tractor for the expansion of Yacon farming. Doalnara Korea also donated machineries and other facilities in making Yacon factory. The whole year of 2005 became the breakthrough of Doalnara technology to flourish through Yacon’s medicinal properties which was spread nationwide.
          Unfortunately, fire broke out on the 24th of June, 2005 which burned down one community which consists of 57 families. The municipality of Claveria, the office of Misamis Oriental, and DENR extended their help through donations. A special support was also given from Doalnara headquarters in Korea by donating millions of money to construct new buildings and help rehabilitate the victims.     

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