Saturday, December 3, 2011

the benefits

Parts of the plants used as medicine and food
Tuber, Leaves
yacon leaves. the plant itself may mount up to six feet high
the tuber

No toxic reactions have been reported for the consumption of Yacon at the recommended dose.

The effects
The yacon’s oligofructose properties were discovered by ancient Peruvians, but modern medicine found out that if the leaves are used in tea, it has the effects of eluding the peak caused by eating sugary or starchy food. It also lowers the blood sugar level of diabetics who have high blood sugar levels and whose bodies do not produce or properly use insulin, a hormone that is normally released to process food. It appears that the tea lessens the (sugary) peaks.

Dr. H Brams said yacon roots themselves had not been proven to have the same palliative effect as the leaves, though other benefits such as its laxative quality and ability to help prevent colon cancer and osteoporosis are less well known.

the solution to diabetes


DIABETES: Diabetes is a disease that affects millions of people young and old alike. Diabetes is an incurable disease that upsets its victims physically and emotionally.
Yacon helps maintain normal blood sugar levels in the body by re-sanitising the body to the effects of insulin. With the help of yacon, the body increases the effective utilization of insulin thus allowing the body to regulate itself more easily.

Doalnara's Produce

Yacon, fresh from the ground. Just harvested

The main property of Yacon is medicinal. It is eaten raw, like a fruit. It obtains all the advantages that grant this natural product.

Many useful tropical plants are absent from our gardens only because they are unfamiliar, and that's not a very good excuse for missing out on something as special as Yacon. If we sit down to design a plant, it would be hard for us to come up with a better combination of qualities. 
Yacon Tuber. It looks like a sweet potato, but tastes like an apple.

YACON, (Polymnia sonchifolia) a member of the sunflower family grows two meters tall, has large opposing arrowhead shaped leaves with scalloped, pointy edges, and multiple 3cm yellow-orange daisy like flowers.
The plant is distinguished by having two kinds of tubers, a central rhizome with 'eyes' like ginger for producing new stems, and multiple edible tubers radiating from the rhizome. These brittle, tan to purple, smoothly tapered edible tubers are actually fattened roots that can be up to 40cm in length and weigh two kilograms. The edible tubers are crunchy like a crisp, sweet apple, but juicier than any pear.
Yacon is delicious and nutritious. Its unusual, refreshing sweet taste and moist, crunchy texture is obviously different from those of starchy tubers. Yacon sweetness is in the form of fructose, which is 70% sweeter than table sugar and is better for us. Fructose doesn't stimulate insulin production, so Yacon, sweet as it is, does not bring a glycemic reaction. It is ideally sweet for diabetics. Instead of entering immediately into the bloodstream as what glucose and sucrose does, putting an overload of both glucose and insulin into our bodies' chemistry, fructose aids a slower and more complete metabolizing of carbohydrates. Fructose also does not affect the immune system negatively, or tend to make us fat. 
Yacon tuber has a good level of protein that comes as an excellent balance of all 20 essential amino acids. It has one of the highest levels of potassium found in any plant, and high levels of calcium, magnesium, iron, and phosphorus.
Yacon has many uses. It may be eaten fresh, dried, or cooked. Elisabeth Fekonia, suggests that we treat Yacon as we would an apple. Peel and eat it raw, dice it in salads, or slice it thinly to scoop up a dip. Yacon can be grated and cooked like an apple sauce, or baked. Yacon takes longer to cook than apple, and retains some of its crunchiness. It can also be dried in chips or stored whole for some months. Yacon leaves and the sweet tubers are excellent fodder for animals.
Yacon is effortless to grow and has no problems with predators or diseases. Start plants from rhizome any time of the year or from stem cuttings in spring or summer. Simply bury a bit of rhizome between June and October in almost any soil or location, and minimal attention will result in quite a reasonable harvest at the end of autumn. Or, if you plant the rhizome in a sunny location and feed and water it consistently, you can have a more substantial harvest several months earlier. Yacon plants should be 3/4 to one meter apart and mulched to retain moisture levels in the soil. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

the movement and its healthy lifestyle

Doalnara DGNB Movement
Doalnara’s theory and study-research method for Global Environmental Restoration is very clear and simple. This is because it can be compressed into the DGNB Movement. Doalnara’s DGNB Movement is to “Do Good, Not Bad”. In other words, whatever is good for the land must be done, and which is bad for the land must not be done. Whatever is good for the body must also be done, and that which is bad for the body must also not be done. And whatever is good for mental health must be done, and which is bad must not be done.
Doalnara and Healthy Dietary Lifestyle
          The movement of restoring the diseased body is taken as a very important subject. In Doalnara village, where everyone strives for a “Healthy Society without Diseases”, 3 aspects are followed. The DGNB Movements is the core theory.
          The first aspect is based on what man eats. It is very simple. Put good things in your bodies and keep bad things out. Whether it is cigarettes, alcohol, or narcotics, whatever is bad must not be put inside your bodies. Only a healthy vegetarian diet that is good for the body must be eaten. If the people would just follow the vegetarian diet, half of their diseases would disappear, and the average human life span will surely be extended. However, not all vegetarian diets are the same. Obviously, it’s bad to put poisonous things inside the body. That is why DOalnara Village produce, process, eat, and sell agricultural products without using any herbicides, chemical fertilizers or agricultural chemicals. They coincide to their slogan which is “If it isn’t harm-free, then we don’t produce, process, eat, or sell it”. Doalnara members cook delicious foods without using any artificial flavoring or seasoning. Though they are on a vegetarian diet, they maintain a sufficient balanced nutrition through eating beans and nuts. Consequently, everyone who visits Doalnara village always compliments that there are no obese people in the place.
          Doalnara held “Fresh Cook Competition”, and they invite the people’s interest in developing healthy delicious cooking that even non-vegetarians can enjoy. Last year’s winter, Doalnara Hannong (Korea) members held a Fresh Cook Competition at Uljin Regional Branch and had presented self-created vegetarian dishes. 130 different kinds of vegetarian dishes have been made.
          The second aspect is based on the health laws kept by the people of Doalnara. The following laws are drinking water, sleeping, mountain-climbing, working, and eating rules. By keeping these health laws in your daily lives, not only are your diseases healed, but diseases are prevented as well.
          The third aspect is leaning towards natural healing methods in curing diseases. Doalnara opposes the administration of antibiotics. The villagers always keep charcoal handy for emergency purposes. Charcoal can be taken orally and applied externally. Charcoal is not only eaten, but can also be made into toothpaste, soap, pillow, cushion, mat, deodorizer, water purifier, and charcoal potpourri. The villagers also used charcoal in farming, for manure compost fermentation. Charcoal can also be added to livestock feed and used for medicinal purposes to cure animal sickness.
          Majority of Doalnara people have a very clean medical insurance record because they rarely visit the hospital aside from accidents and other medical purposes. 

its vision and mission statements

Doalnara Philippines Multipurpose Cooperative yearns to become a model community where people are living together happily as one family, with no fighting and derision, and to live healthily and progressively.

Mission Statements
Ø  We strive to ‘Restore the diseased land’ that has become impoverished and polluted over time by various chemical fertilizers and agricultural pesticides.
Ø  We strive to ‘Restore the diseased body’ through healthy agricultural products that are produced by practicing Natural Healing and Environmental friendly Organic/Natural Agriculture.
Ø  We strive to ‘Restore the diseased mind’ throught the diffusion of tenacity education and Korean traditional cultural arts, based on the Korean traditional mindset which is to serve God and love mankind.
Ø  The basic foundation of ‘Global Environmental Restoration’ is to practice sustainable Naturally Recyclable Environmental Friendly Agriculture.
Ø  Consequently, people whose hearts are firm and unchanging as stone have gathered together to study and be educated with the Environmental Friendly Agriculture in order to fulfill and expand this practice domestically and internationally.
Ø  By fulfilling ‘Global Environmental Restoration’ domestically, and internationally interchange public information, our goal is to contribute toward the fulfillment of the welfare of the farming villages and the true happiness of mankind. 

looking back at its root...

This humble teacher, together with his friends – water, rocks, pine trees, bamboo, and the moon – Teacher Suk Sun resides in Songni Mountain, in Sangju, Gyeoung Buk, South Korea. He teaches the profound and mysterious truths found in nature with words so simple and easy to understand, even children can comprehend them.  Within his lectures and poems lies strength, a power that not only fills his listeners with happiness, but also gives rise to a fundamental change in them. This is because they have been fulfilled in his own life.
          Under his campaign for “Global Restoration”, he founded Doalnara Restoration Society, an agrarian society that utilizes 100% natural, organic farming methods, with 10 branches in South Korea, and also international extensions in the United States of America, the Philippines, Japan, Taiwan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Kenya.
          He has brought to realization the ideal rural community, startling the world with his program of unselfish “community sharing”. He has brought to realization the “Natural Diet” – the ideal diet for a long, healthy life free of disease.